The Best Review of PCOS Treatment Options

Medical Review on PCOS Treatment Options

I recently came across a fantastic piece of medical literature that I had to share with you. To my surprise, (and I don’t say this lightly) it’s likely one of the best reviews I’ve seen to date on the treatment options available for women with PCOS. Though the article is from 2011, I was impressed by the thorough and lengthy options it listed - many of which I don’t think are widely known.

If you read about PCOS on other blogs or even in clinical research, you often hear about the big treatment options. Metformin, Spironolactone, Oral Contraceptives, or, for those trying to get pregnant, IVF or other fertility treatments are often discussed. All of these options and more are mentioned in the review, but interestingly, the subject of alternative medicine came up as well.

Acupuncture for PCOS Relief?

While I’ve done a lot of research on natural therapies (not something that this article talks a lot about, but something that I talk about in other places on my site - see the article on vitex, for example), I haven’t done much research on alternative medicine. According to this review, some women have seen results and symptom relief from regular acupuncture.

“The benefit acupuncture seems to have for PCOS sufferers is in helping them regulate and manage their periods. However, it has also been shown to aid in weight loss and reducing headaches as well as improving patients’ moods and outlooks. Women with PCOS will have needles placed along the acupuncture meridians related to the reproductive system. This will help stimulate the organs, improve blood flow to the area, contribute to normalizing hormone levels, and promote the proper functioning of the reproductive system.” (1)

How awesome is that?! I had absolutely no idea that this was an available option for us. I swear, I’m so thankful for the people that perform (and fund) these studies and are advocating for women’s health through knowledge and research. GO SCIENCE! Just think what could happen if more providers, scientists, and politicians were aware of PCOS and would also advocate for additional treatment options. THIS is why PCOS awareness is so important! I could literally rant about this for days and days. In fact, maybe I’ll write an entire article (*cough* rant) about this very topic in the near future.

Be A Constant Learner, Be Your Own Health Advocate

In the meantime... I encourage you, as always, to advocate for your own health and keep growing your beautiful brain by reading the full article on treatment options here.

I’d love to see what your thoughts are on this article - comment below!

(1) Badawy A, Elnashar A. Treatment options for polycystic ovary syndrome. Int J Womens Health. 2011;3:25–35. Published 2011 Feb 8. doi:10.2147/IJWH.S11304


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